Club Service Detail

E-Club of Chennai Shakthi


Nutrients support to IMH patient participating in international Paralympic league games

An intellectually challenged patient of IMH Mr. Venkatesh is participating in international Paralympic league games held at Bangalore on 25th March nd for this purpose he requires some protein, multi vitamin nd nutritional supplements which costed Rs. 9380. So our club sponsored for this event meant for this purpose. Sponsored by d following ppl: 1. 5k received from Mrs. Kajal 2. Rtn. Uma Yuvaraj 5k 3. Rtn. Balu 5k 4.Snacks nd sweets sponserded by Rtn.Kannki & Rtn.Kavitha Venkatesan came 4th place in 400m, 5th place in 1500m, 5th place in long jump.