Club Service Detail

Chennai Bharathi



Every year, March 22nd is celebrated as *world water day*. In association with the Government College of Arts for Men, the Rotary Club of Chennai Bharathi created awareness on March 22, 2024, at the *ANNA NAGAR EAST METRO STATION*. Twenty student volunteers from the NSS department of the Government College of Arts for Men, Nandanam, commuted across the metro and participated in the awareness camp. This campaign greatly impacted the public who traveled via the metro to commute to work/ school, college, etc. The students prepared placards with slogans about saving water and interacted with the public to convey the importance of conserving water. To conserve water, the Environment Chairperson - Rtn Sridevi gifted 25 beetle leaf saplings to the public. Each student received a certificate of appreciation for their time and support for this event. The chief guest, Rtn Rajasekaran, chairman for community service development, RI District 3232 presided the event .