Community Service Detail

Chennai Bharathi

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Rotarians Involved

Health Talk Series - The Big "C"- Do we need to Fear?

Rotary Club of Chennai Bharathi, in association with participating clubs of district 3232 and MGM Cancer Institute, organized a joint speaker meet and a health talk on - THE BIG "C" - DO WE HAVE TO FEAR??. This meeting was held at MGM health care on November 24, 2023. The meeting began with the collaring of the presidents. The resource person, Dr. Dhanasekar Padmanabhan, a surgical oncologist from MGM Cancer Institute, enlightened and explained the symptoms, types of cancer, its causes, preventive measures, identification, and treatment for various types of cancer. In this interactive session, he patiently clarified the questions posed by the audience. The president of RC Chennai Bharathi - Dr. Jayashree Kadambi, Rtn. Sujatha, the secretary of RC Chennai Bharathi, the presidents and members of RC Chennai Seaview, RC Chennai Crown, RC Chennai Golden Star, RC Madras Heritage, RC Madras Cosmos, RC Chennai Warriors, RC Chennai Aristo, RC Chennai Rainbow, RC Chennai GEMS, RC Gummidipoondi Industrial city, RC Chennai Sewak, RC Anna Nagar West The clubs with maximum participation were awarded a 35% discount voucher on Nutrition Consultation with Rtn Sujatha of RC Chennai Bharathi. This was followed by hi-tea. We wholeheartedly thank Mr. Shivram and the entire management team of MGM Healthcare for their hospitality in helping us host this extraordinary speaker meeting. We thank all the presidents and Rotarians who made this successful with their presence. We look forward to many more events in the future.