Club Service Detail

Chennai Metrozone


What is Net Zero

Our club participated in the "What Next" speaker series hosted at Patrician College, Adyar. This event was skillfully orchestrated by the RID 3232 District Alumni Team, under the leadership of Rtn. Vasanthi Ranganathan. The featured speaker for the day was Sriranjani Srinivasan, holding the role of Associate VP at the Global Network for Zero Organization. The focal point of Sriranjani Srinivasans presentation was to introduce the concept of Net Zero emissions to the attending students, enlightening them about the diverse career opportunities that lie in this direction. The audience was composed of students from four different colleges, with some present in person and others joining via Zoom. Our club was privileged to serve as co-hosts for this event, collaborating closely with the Rotary Club of Chennai Tidal Park to ensure its success.