Club Service Detail

Madras North


Pennalam - Cheque handover

Handed over cheque towards cancer screenings and awareness programs to the NGO Pen Nalam-Aan Nalam. Preventive health check ups help us to identify specific habits, infections and medical conditions before it reaches an advanced or critical stage. We have planned to conduct screenings for breast cancer and cervical cancer in association with the NGO PenNalam AanNalam supported by CSR funding from Bayforge. Our aim is to conduct thermal screenings for breast cancer for 1500 women. Thank you for your support and guidance @Rotary Sathish, Mentor Community Service Health, President GVR, PP Rtn @Rotary Anita and Rtn Dr Ramesh Babu, District Chair Health. Initiative supported by CSR Grant , thanks to the tireless efforts of @Rotary Julian and PP Rtn Sathish